You are here: Home > Product Information > WWHM4 Features > HSPF and SWMM
The new hydraulic element allows the user to include in their WWHM4 model the complex hydraulic routing capabilities of EPA’s SWMM software package without knowing or having SWMM on their computer. Stormwater pipe collection systems now can be easily added to a project. WWHM4 automatically connects the runoff generated by HSPF and links it to the SWMM routing. Multiple hydraulic elements can be used and can be connected to other WWHM4 routing elements, such as a pond, vault, open channel, etc.

A separate SWMM element is also available in WWHM4 to connect existing SWMM models with WWHM4-generated runoff and routing elements. The SWMM Element can read previously created SWMM models including:
  • PCSWMM 2006
  • PCSWMM 2009
  • SWMM 4.4
  • SWMM 5
 The SWMM element can seamlessly accept input from other WWHM4 elements (both hydrologic and hydraulic) and output to other WWHM4 hydraulic elements. All modeling and analysis is done within WWHM4.